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Who am i?

Well. Writing about myself isn't a strong suit of mine, but here goes.


I consider myself a self-taught creative, hoping to find any 

As a kid, I could spend hours alone refining things like my handwriting, drawing and finding things to create whenever I was able to. When I got into my teen years, I was always looking to teach myself more ways of creating cool things. whether it was through drawing and painting, writing, any other kind of craft. I would always find myself watching others performing their arts, and it fueled me to keep trying new hobbies

By the time i made it through highschool I was attempting to lead art clubs, taking every artistically linked course i could get my hands on. I was practically known for the work i would do, on my own and for my community.

To this day, while I can say I have grown a lot in who I am, my passion for creation remains the same. Much of my free time involves finding something to make with my hands, so in the end I decided to finally take it another step forward. 

I know hope that I can center my career and my future around the things I create, no matter what form that comes in; im hopeful you will be willing to follow me in that journey.


(to be updated soon)

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